Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I love Rebecca

What I watched tonight

  • The Class
  • The Last 1/2 hour of "I Love NY"
  • This past week's "The Soup" episode
  • almost watched the Golden Globes

    I love how the past 2 days I've had 3 amazing conversations with amazing people, with completely different themes, each time.

    1. Melbor and Religion/Politics/General Belief Systems...we had a 5.5 hour road trip and an iPod full of disney songs...religion is the natural topic of choice.

    2. Gogal, about Friends...a hot tub, comfy couch, and PJ pants...natural conversation choice.

    3. RC and Love, Relationships and Men...Golden Globes, books, and an empty apartment.

    Good people, good conversation.

    Now I've got some good books to read, I think I'll get ready for bed and try one of them out.

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    Los Angeles, CA, United States
    Don't let my optimism make you sick.