Monday, June 4, 2007

What AM I waiting for?

That PostSecret pretty much sums it up here. What AM I waiting for? Why shouldn't I move to the City of Angels and pursue this crazy dream I have of producing TV shows? What's holding me back anymore?


And I'm outta here. I'll be departing on my cross-country adventure on Saturday and I couldn't be more excited (ok...I probably could). It hasn't quite hit me yet. I know it'll be a while before I see my family again (probably like Christmas) but I'm not all teary about it or anything, I mean I have left them before. And I've always come back. They'll be fine. I know it. But I'll pray for them just in case.

Tonight, it's off to Canada to visit my Grandparents and to see some family. After that, we're picking up Ashley at the Train station and leaving. She's not staying out in California (yet), but she'll be traveling with me, which I am VERY excited about.

This is a trip we've been talking about since we were in Middle School, which is pretty ridiculous. I think it is anyways.

Ok...I've probably got to go and pack the car.

I bought a nifty little digital web camcorder, so I'll podcast some stuff here. Be on the look out for links to Videos of my travels. :)

Peace out for now.

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Los Angeles, CA, United States
Don't let my optimism make you sick.