Friday, December 8, 2006

To Do list

1-4pm --Edit/Read Paper thingy for ethics class
4pm -- meet with Nic for Ethics paper thingy that's due way too early
6-7:30pm -- clearing off my car/eating/getting ready for Jared Campbell
7:30pm -- Jared in 'Cuse

Back at like 2am

Wake up -- Shower/Work on Ethics paper (ACM Code paper)/Senior Seminar Presentation....
12pm -- Lunch and Senior Seminar
2pm -- put the remote down...and work on power point
3pm -- no, seriously...put the remote down

probably 8pmish -- get dolled up for Semi-Formal (providing the dress arrives in the mail before then...otherwise...I'm so screwed)
back home 1amish

9am -- Mix Tape w/ Steeley and Dunkin' Donuts or CTB! YAY!!
1pm -- Soul-savin' with JC himself
3pm -- Library/Pub with some coffee...I need something to keep me awake.

Side note: I'm getting more dependant on stimulants like Tea and Coffee...this is no good. And I like the big stuff like Lattes that cost like $ bank account will not like this.

Ok...seriously, back to working and reading.

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Los Angeles, CA, United States
Don't let my optimism make you sick.