Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My sister and I

I love that my sister and I can now share clothes...
I've done my part and lost a bit of weight and she's gained a little. I lost more than she gained.
But that's besides the point...

So this weekend, she's got a Semi-Formal to go to and she needed a dress. And I have a semi-formal the weekend after next, so I was looking online to find a dress. I sent her the link to one I liked and she liked it so much she said that she might buy it for her semi-formal.

I thought for a second and I was like...hold on. If I buy this dress and you buy this dress we'll spend money on having the same dress...why would we do that?

This is how we're working this. She ordered the dress in the size that'll work for both of us, it'll be delivered to her on Friday. She wears it for her Saturday Semi-Formal and then sends it to me Monday so I can wear it at my Semi-Formal the next Saturday.

Awesome. Hahaha...all this for a $20 dress. Fantastic.

Click on the title of the post for a link to the dress we bought.

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Los Angeles, CA, United States
Don't let my optimism make you sick.