Sunday, August 3, 2008

JB in the House!

Jonas Brothers Fan I, originally uploaded by odibusmacsimus.

I recently learned how to play "Burning Up" on my guitar.

Sue me.

I like it. ;)

And i have to admit, c'mon how ADORABLE is Nick Jonas? And Joe? AND KEVIN! Makes me want to set them up on dates with my cousins...;)


Anonymous said...

wow thats kinda kool but on the other hand how freakin SAD no offnce ur obbessed and obese no need to go to that extreme jeez
they're hot but you have no chance in hell along with the other 19893784 billion girls who like them !!

icmags said...

on no, that's not me, I swiped it from someone else's Flickr account.

Pretty crazy though huh?

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Los Angeles, CA, United States
Don't let my optimism make you sick.