Sunday, July 6, 2008

When you know you've got it right...

As a single straight woman, I have learned that the best compliments come from attached Gay Men.

You have to understand that gay men with a boyfriend or partner (we'll call them that if they're more than boyfriends) have nothing to gain by complimenting a single straight girl.

They're not trying to get in your pants, like a straight guy might be.

And, they're not complimenting you to find out how they can get the same shirt, or skirt or to learn your secret, like a straight girl might be.

After the journey to my new haircut was finished, I wasn't totally sure of it. The first girl I went to at the Paul Mitchell School really didn't care at all about the cut she was giving me. She hacked away at it and didn't spend the time to do it right. I'm pretty sure that her scissors were dull too. A C- student if I ever saw one. Once I went home and started to flat-iron my hair...I saw the chunks! The awful chunks she had hacked off of my head. I hated it, and it made me anxious.

I called another salon and went to see a new stylist. as my guide, I went to one in Burbank the next day. Paid good money and got a cut that's better, but that I hadn't completely warmed up to yet.

I hadn't been wearing it comfortably, or all that confidently.

Don't get me wrong, I had gotten compliments on the finished cut. Each one cut away at the insecurity I had about the new cut. Until...

Ron, the partner of one of my co-workers (whom I had never met) said that he really liked it and likened it to Natalie Portman. (again!) ;)

My reaction..."Really?!??!!" *sigh of relief*

On another note...Pat's boyfriend Louis told me I had great eyebrows. ?? Thank you?

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Los Angeles, CA, United States
Don't let my optimism make you sick.