Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thursday's List

  1. Courtney and Pat are brilliant geniuses...

  2. It's not my fault I gain some weight. I'll just blame it on my friends!
  3. David Beckham, not just another soccer player? Or is that a good thing?
  4. Time to buy some stock in Apple, Computers!
  5. The Grammar debate rages on, and on.
  6. Another kind of shock and awe in Oakland, CA
  7. Photosynthesis is a favorite word of mine to say when speaking about science.
  8. Who the hell is Sherry Shepard anyways? I want my Whoopie and Kathy G!
  9. In cased you missed it on CNN. Why would you miss Anderson Coop, the man, the mystery...
  10. it is again.

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Los Angeles, CA, United States
Don't let my optimism make you sick.